Jenny and Tommy

Okay, so it’s time to dust off this little old blog and decorate it’s shelves with some fresh new images.  Since our little guy was born 3 months ago, I took some time off of shooting and just spent time soaking up his newness. I have also been adjusting to our new lives and schedules and routines.  I am no where near completely adjusted and feel like being a working mama will be a whole new crazy, but wonderful, journey.

Jenny and Tommy’s wedding was my first wedding back after Jonah was born, and what a way to go back.  The two sweethearts that got married had so much love for one another, and their sweet laughter and sideways glances showed that off.  I remembered from their engagement session the sweet way Tommy would make Jenny throw her head back in laughter, and how you could just feel that they were totally comfortable with each other.  That same thing happened at their wedding.  I loved when they walked out of the ceremony and were just bubbly and on cloud nine.  Another thing I love about weddings, and was reminded of once again, is the fact that I get to see the sweet love of peoples families.  I always love hanging out before the ceremony when the bride is getting ready because I get to see the her with family and friends all giddy with excitement.  Jenny and her people were definitely filled with excitement and love.  I especially love when Jenny “accidentally” saw her Dad for the first time and there were tears of joy and lots of hugging.

I could go on accounting why I was so lucky to kick off my 2015 season with these two, but I’ll just let the photos talk.