
I am a girl, who has slowly grown into a woman.  I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, and someone who loves to be with her people.   My faith in God has been with me like a steady friend through out my entire life, our relationship growing and changing as I grow and change.  I take photos because I fell in love with being in a darkroom in high school and haven’t really ever stopped clicking the shutter.  I love making plans and keeping things in order, but I also am cluttered (I’m not sure how that works, but it does, just ask Dave).  I love beverages, coffee, tea, etc, and usually of the warm variety to cup in my hands on a cold day.  I need to get out of the house and into the world at least once a day so I plan daily adventures for my son and myself (you know to the grocery store, coffee shop, the post office and other exciting places).  I grew up in Charlottesville, Virginia – the Blue Ridge Mountains have nestled themselves a spot in my soul.  Staring at my son is a past time of mine as is singing silly songs and playing peek-a-boo.  I think I have the best husband in the world, I don’t think there could be a more perfect fit more idiosyncratic personality. Getting to know new people is fun, especially when they really open their hearts, and even more especially when they let me take their photograph.

Because I am a human there are a million other little facts* about myself that make me, me.  And there are a million little things that make you, you and her, her, and him, him….can I learn about a few of those things and make some photos of them?

*If you want to see more of my “million” little things, this year I am doing a 365 projectclick here to see. You can follow along and atleast see 365 of them.