
Why do I do what I do?  It brings me great joy to see people in their element, doing the things that they do every day, the things that might go unseen by themselves or by others, but that are beautiful, and I believe are seen by one bigger than us.

There are little things throughout our day that are almost like poems. The way we rest our hands, the way a mother dances with her  children, the way a child belly-laughs, all these little things make up a life.  What I get to call my job is amazing.  It is amazing because for a few brief moments, when I come to someone’s home, or meet them in a park, or see them on their wedding day, I get to be a part of that beautiful life and document it with my camera. Life has its ups and downs, sometimes it’s hard sometimes it’s incredibly beautiful, a lot times all in the same breath. What an amazing honor to see and capture part of a persons beautiful existence. And who knows, perhaps during the hard times, one or two of the photographs that I take might inspire a bit of hope or give beauty-seeking eyes when they are needed most.

In my own life, when I look back at photos from when Jonah was just a few days old, memories come flooding back.  But more so than that, feelings fill my heart.  I think that’s what I love about photography – the way that it can make you feel something.  It has the almost transcendent ability to put you right back in the room or in that time of your life.  A way to revisit special memories and old friends.

I don’t think that the photography is the most important thing, and I don’t think that it can solve all the problems of the world, there are much more important things.  Things like loving your family, sacrificing for one another, seeing the world for the beauty that it is, and working to bring a better kingdom to this earth, but I think that photography is something that can bring a little bit of joy, that can help just a little bit on this journey.  It can help us remember and remind us of those more important things.

If you would like me to see your world for just a little bit and see the beauty in your world through my lens, if you would like to be friends, and if you would like share the things that make you smile and that you want to remember, please get in touch with me.  We can talk a little bit more, maybe over coffee or tea, and get to know another soul walking on this earth.